We were joined in person today by speaker Gary Powers, Jr. Gary is the author of "Spy Pilot", which tells the real life story of his father, Francis Gary Powers, Sr. One of the most talked-about events of the Cold War was the downing of the American U-2 spy plane piloted by Powers over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. The event was recently depicted in the Steven Spielberg movie Bridge of Spies, on which Powers Jr. consulted. Powers Sr. was captured by the KGB, which created an international incident. Soviet authorities eventually released him in exchange for captured Soviet spy Rudolf Abel. On his return to the United States, Powers was exonerated of any wrongdoing while imprisoned in Russia, yet, due to bad press and the government's unwillingness to heartily defend Powers, a cloud of controversy lingered until his untimely death in 1977. Now his son has written this new account of his father's life based on files that had never been previously available. Powers began his research in 1992 following his graduation from college. He has spoken to many Rotary clubs and is a Rotarian himself. This was a fascinating presentation about a son's journey to understand his father, pursue justice and gain a measure of peace. Prior to Powers' presentation we heard from Kevin Keenan who provided today's "Member Minute". Kevin spoke of the challenges he faced after suffering a stroke while in his 40's. His father inspired him to seek new purpose in life, which led to, amongst other things, joining Rotary as a guest of Bill Klumpp.