Today's speaker was newly elected Shoreview Mayor Sue Denkinger. Sue grew up in St. Paul and received both an undergraduate degree in communication and a masters degree in business administration from Augsburg University. Sue replaces Sandy Martin who retired last year after serving as mayor for over 20 years. Sue had been on the Shoreview City Council prior to being endorsed by Mayor Martin as a highly qualified successor. Sue retired a few years ago from her long career at Thompson Reuters, where she held leadership roles in manufacturing, customer service and project management. Sue shared results from the 2022 Community Survey which continues to show a very high (95%) level of citizen satisfaction with Shoreview's quality of life. The Community Center has bounced back from the pandemic and both playgrounds and pool are operating at capacity. A strategic priority for the city continues to be the creation of more affordable housing units, which requires funding from outside sources. Several large road projects led by Ramsey County are still underway within the city. The improvements to Lexington Avenue are finally mostly complete but work on Hodgson Road between Gramsie Road and Hwy. 96 is just beginning.