Today marked the first meeting of the new Rotary year and our annual "peaceful transition of power" to the new year's leadership team (to use Bill Klumpp's term). Thus, Bill kicked off the meeting with some reflections on our accomplishments and challenges in 2019-2020. He noted special achievements by a few individuals and granted "Service Above Self" awards created by Bill and suitable for framing! Former District Governor Kyle Haugen then joined the meeting and did a formal induction for each of the officers for 2020-2021. Kyle congratulated us on being named Club of the Year in our size category for our many accomplishments this past year, especially with the International project work being led by Bob Freed and Mike Spellman. Kyle urged us to continue working for positive peace in the world saying: "Be proud. Spread the word. Don't stop." Finally, incoming President Glenn Bowers shared his thoughts on the upcoming year. He echoed Kyle's comments and noted that one of his primary goals as president will be to broaden the engagement of all club members.