We enjoyed an interesting presentation today from Ward and Jacky Budweg, who Zoomed-In from their home in Iowa. Glenn Bowers arranged this after meeting Ward at a recent training session for incoming Rotary District Governors. Before getting married, Ward and Jacky signed an unusual "pre-nup" agreement on a bar napkin, agreeing that at some point they would take an extended bike trip around the world! This trip came to fruition when they embarked on a 3-year journey beginning in 2009. The plan was years in the making as it required selling their business, their home and nearly all of their possessions! They created a Mission Statement for their trip which read: “From our bicycles we want to explore the many cultural differences and hospitalities of the world as we respond with open arms of friendship and service.” Amazingly they suffered no serious illnesses or injuries and have many tales to tell - the kind you don't get on a tour bus. They describe locations discovered by ditching the GPS, playing charades to bridge 32 different language barriers, and depending on locals who invited them into their homes and friendships. This unbelievable journey spanned 1106 days and 6 continents. For more information, their book is now available through Amazon, entitled: The World at 10 MPH: A Masterful Prenup Leads to a 3-Year 33,523-Mile Bicycle Adventure.