Today marked the end of our Rotary year and we once again observed a peaceful transfer of power to the incoming leadership team for 2022-2023 (what a great concept!). Former District Governor Ed Marek was in attendance to congratulate the club on our many accomplishments, including several district awards received a few days prior. He formally inducted each club officer into their role and noted that the new Rotary year will be the first ever in which our International President is a woman -Jennifer Jones of Canada! We thank Mike Spellman for his excellent leadership this past year, which was another challenging one given the ongoing impacts of Covid and our search for a new permanent home for in-person meetings. Incoming president Charlie Oltman presented a draft of his statement of purpose and mission for the upcoming year. Charlie has been an active and accomplished member in his relatively few years with our club and we know we will again be in very good hands with him leading the charge in 2022-2023!