Our Club’s February service project focused on the Kids In Need Foundation in Roseville. On February 13 six of our members and three of their guests helped the Foundation fulfill its mission by assembling school supplies for children in need and by stocking a school supply center for under-resourced teachers.
Over a two hour span our group packed 288 individual student school pouches with pens, pencils, boxes of crayons, glue sticks, erasers, and paper scissors. In addition, the group packed 63,000 pencils into class room size packets for the teacher supply center.
The Foundation strives to empower under-resource strapped teachers and students by providing them with the school supplies they need to succeed in the classroom. This, in turn, helps create an equitable learning environment in more impoverished communities.
The Kids in Need Foundation is the only national nonprofit focusing on the nation’s most under-sourced schools: those where 70 percent or more of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced-cost meals.