Today's presenter was ........ me! November is RI Foundation Month and we traditionally bring in a speaker to talk to members about the great work of the Foundation. District Chair and former District Governor Kyle Haugen had been scheduled. But there were other claims on his time during this busy month, so, as our Club's Foundation Chair, I filled the spot. I hope I was able to adequately convey my own strong belief in the Foundation by relating how it came to be my "Charity of Choice". There are so many great examples of clubs in our district doing great things both locally and around the world, thanks to grant money received directly from the Foundation (global grants), or indirectly from the Foundation through our local district grants. As Rotarians, we should all feel very proud of the 30+ years of funding and work that the Foundation has done to eradicate Polio from all but 2 countries in the world. Our club has one of the strongest records in our district in terms of average per capita giving to the Foundation. But the needs keep growing. Thank you for all you've done and please consider what more we can all do to help bring about "Positive Peace" in the world!