We were joined today by Rotary District 5960 Governor Ed Marek. He began his remarks by noting that Rotary International demonstrated leadership very early on in the pandemic by quickly canceling all travel. Clubs around the world switched to virtual formats. Now RI is leaving it up to individual clubs to determine whether or not to transition to in-person meetings. He then congratulated our club on our many accomplishments in the last Rotary year, particularly noting our work in the community, and with youth. He also noted our strong support of the Rotary Foundation and reminded us of the Foundation's impressive 4-star rating by Charity Navigator for the past 12 years. He went on to address this year's global theme which is "Rotary Opens Opportunities" and noted that it is time for Rotary to be bold. We should be looking for ways to bring people together in these challenging times. He concluded his remarks by speaking to the "Braver Angels" program which is based on the book "With Malice Toward None" by Bill Dougherty. This MN-based program helps people bridge the red/blue political and cultural divide that is so entrenched in our society right now.