Posted on Jan 07, 2025
Oliver Gamson writes 'Greetings and Happy Holidays to everyone back home! December has gone by very quick, but I’ve still had a lot of time to enjoy the holiday season here. There are beautiful Christmas lights in almost every street in Vienna, which makes it feel very magical whenever I’m walking through the city. I would say that it has been quite special to see how everyone celebrates Christmas here — the Christmas markets are always filled with people drinking punch or hot cocoa, the stores are playing Christmas music and are always busy with people buying presents, and the overall atmosphere has turned very festive and celebratory. I also spent a weekend in Innsbruck with the rest of the Rotary Exchange Students, which was quite fun. We did some charity work with Rotaract and shared a nice Christmas dinner where we exchanged gifts and sang together.This is the last month I am living with my first host family. I’ll be moving to my next family on January 6th. I already know my next family quite well, but I do have some nervousness to make such a big change in my exchange year. I am confident, however, that I’ll continue to have a wonderful time with many special and fun moments.'
Youth Exchange students in Innsbruck.
Me outside of the Vienna Opera House right after attending my first Opera.