February 5 will begin a series of interesting programs arranged by Frank Mabley with a presentation by Rotary Peace Scholar Amanda Ottman on the American Refugee Committee. Ms. Ottman will follow up on the January 22 program by Kim Crockett on Immigration in Minnesota. On February 12 Prof. William Doherty from the University of Minnesota will show us how we can become Better Angles to reduce the polarization in our society that has heightened over the last decade. Abraham Lincoln asked us to become better angles notwithstanding our differences so it is fitting this program occurs during the month of his birth.
President Bill Kiehnbaum will direct a Club Assembly on February 19; consequently, there will be no program that day. Rotarians should think about what teams they would like to volunteer for this year in preparation for the club assembly. Mike Spellman will present his Classification Talk on February 26 so we will all learn more about one of our newest members.
Thanks to Paul McCreight for arranging the January programs. We all learned more about the economy and the stock market from Chad Latour and Tom Parnell. Kim Crockett provided lots of information about refugee resettlement and immigration in Minnesota. Bob Selden showed us why veterans and their spouses are dying to get into Ft. Snelling National Cemetery.
Do you have a friend or family member whose politics are so different from yours that you can no longer discuss politics with him or her? Bring that friend or family member as a guest to our meeting February 12. The program will help to build goodwill and better friendships in keeping with the Rotary four-way test.